50th Anniversary Poster: 1965

1965 Polaris Racing Poster - Starfire Kids - Midnight Blue Express

The racing bug hit Polaris in a big way when company president Alan Hetteen started to participate. 1965 would be the year that Alan won the Beausejour Power Toboggan championship, demonstrating some true grit as he battled his 65 HP Mustang to a victory even though he was sick as a dog. Alan watched over the racing for some years, finding and nurturing talent like Bob Eastman, Leroy Lindblad and Gerry Reese.

The Board of Directors took a dim view of such activity: Chairman Herb Borah thought it was below the dignity of the office to be out of a suit and racing, but thankfully, Alan saw it very differently. His participation encouraged racers, factory workers and consumers.


1965 Polaris Racing Poster - Starfire Kids - Midnight Blue Express
1965 Polaris Racing Poster – Starfire Kids – Midnight Blue Express


The passion, triumph, dominance and tragedy of one of the most successful
efforts in motorsports: The Polaris Professional Race Team


Starfire Kids Books