Gary Mathers Review of Starfire Kids – Midnight Blue Express

Gary Mathers was the Polaris race director from 1971 through 1975, bringing the race team into the professional era of snowmobile racing. After his time at Polaris, he went to Kawasaki, then later became one of the most successful figures ever in American motorcycle racing. He was inducted into the American Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame in 2009.

Here’s his review after reading the book:

Larry… Just finished the book. What a fantastic job! I am blown away at the details in the contents of the book! Its been a long time for me and I’d forgotten a lot of it, but your account of the stuff I was involved in is spot on…It certainly brought back memories for me. Very well done!

[Bob] Eastman taught me so much about getting good people and let them do their thing. I used his advice so many times during my career.

Thank you again for writing the book and for the kind words about me, especially the note in the front.

Gary Mathers


Gary Mathers - Starfire Kid
Gary Mathers – Starfire Kid


The passion, triumph, dominance and tragedy of one of the most successful
efforts in motorsports: The Polaris Professional Race Team


Starfire Kids Books