Never Before Seen 1974 Polaris SnoPro Photo!
Wow – Greg Maier never ceases to amaze me with the photographs he finds. This rare beauty was hidden in amongst a post of his photos on facecrook.
Polaris owned the 340 and 650 class in the first ever professional snowmobile race circuit (known as SnoPro) in 1974.
This photo shows just how much they dominated the big 650cc class.
Larry Rugland (66) is leading by about 1.5 sled lengths over Stan Hayes (32) with Bob Eastman (77) and Jim Bernat (82) all bunched in together.
This race is in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, early in the season. It’s interesting to note that by the end of the season, Stan Hayes had dominated 340, and was going to win the 650 class and the overall points total by the end of the year.
All he needed to do was finish the last 650cc race of the season – but he went a little too conservative on his setup and wound up blowing up his Engine as Rugland sailed past him for the win.
Stan would still win the overall points, but Rugland won the points for the 650cc class by choosing his setup better.
Thank you Greg!