Vintage Polaris Parts, Paint and Resources

Paint Codes

Classic Polaris Baby Blue

Used on the baby blue Polaris sleds from the 1960’s into the early 1970’s

Midnight Blue

1974, 1975 & 1976 SoPro Polaris Midnight Blue

1977-1978 SnoPro/RXL

Metal flake midnight blue used on the Factory sleds of 1977-78 and the 1978 RXL.

1977 - 1979 RXL Parts

1977 Fuel Tank Hose Clamps. Finding the right size can be a pain. All the 77 tanks are custom, but these should work on most of them. 
Order from Worm Drive Claps for Firm Hose and Tube with 410 Stainless Steel Screw, 1/2″ Band width, 4-18″ to 7″ Clamp ID, Pack of 5. Part #5416K38

1974 SnoPro & 1975 PDC parts


If these guys can’t help, you than probably no one can. 

Fuji Engine Gold Plated Nuts – 

Gold JIS (Japanese Industry Standard)

Part nffh8 x 12 ylw jisb1190 course fine small wrench 

Want fine thread 12mm small  10mm take a 14mm wrench 1.25 pitch. 

1977 Polaris 250cc Ignitions

These one-off, only used for the 77 250 factory team 50 ignitions where a tough mystery to crack until all the Starfire Kids on the interwebz started sharing info on the components and wiring of these oddballs! 

Polaris Triple Stators

Dan Stigman – Polaris triple stators. 763-458-8373

440X had some oddities to it that made them different. Not sure if this applies to the 1978 aluminum 440 machines for the factory team, or the ones built for independents.

Brake disc: Tolomatic, Inc. Part #33011003 Disc, 7.75 (O.D.), 3.0 (hole size), .119 thickness.

Tie Rods are 5/8 thick aluminum, with 3/8″ right-hand threads on one side, and 3/8′ left-hand threads on the other side. The Recoil side tie rod is 17-5/8″ long, while the clutch side is 17-1/2″ long.

The two Recoil side radious rods are 3/4″ O.D., with a 7/16″ left-hand thread on one side and a 7/16″ right-hand thread on the other side. They are made of aluminum. The top one is 14-1/4″ long, while the bottom one is 12-1/4″ long.

The two clutch side radios rods are made of magnesium, and are 3/4″ O.D., with a 7/16″ left-hand thread on one side and a 7/16″ right-hand thread on the other side. The top and bottom one are 14″ long.